Thursday, May 26, 2011

GameLight - Shinobi (Nintendo 3DS)

I remember the first time I heard about Shinobi having a return on the Playstation 2 and how excited I was.  When I heard about another return after 9 years (not counting Nightshade) from a silent teaser video from yesterday, I felt the same way again filled with excitement.  The real teaser came out today:

Source: Youtube Channel IGNentertainment

The gameplay looks interesting from what its shown.  It reminds me of The Legend of Kage 2 and how it's been 20 years or so since its first game but keeping it in the traditional 2D side-scrolling gameplay.  The game will feature 3D graphics in a 2D environment with occasional moments where it goes into 3-dimension just like Sonic Rush did for the NDS game.  The art style seems to be cel-shaded like The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker and Okami.  I'm not sure if I really like that flat, pastel-looking model as the game's graphics for a Shinobi game.  Perhaps we'll get to hear more about the newest Shinobi game in the series at this year's E3.

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