Tuesday, May 31, 2011

GameLight - Hunted: The Demon's Forge

Official Site: http://www.huntedthegame.com/index.php/en/index

Source: Youtube Channel machinima

I saw the name on Steam a while back asking gamers to pre-order like many other games do so that they can build up hype and anticipation (also to get solid sales before actual launch) and it was a game I was curious about, but didn't pay much attention to.  Well, the game is about to have its release tomorrow and the main draw towards the game so far is the "innovative" co-op.  I'll admit that I'm craving for a good co-op game that I can play with my friend again as a lot of the games I play now he has no interest in.  We are patiently waiting for the release of Diablo 3 as our main co-op game to play ever since Guild Wars Factions from nearly 4 years ago (I played a bit of it last night and was reminded how fun it was).  I'm going to try to tempt my friend into getting it so we can play together.  So Hunted is an Action RPG with a unique 2-player co-op game mechanic where one plays the skilled archer while the other plays as the headstrong swordsman.  The game is played in a 3rd-person, over-the-shoulder perspective much like Dead Space, Gears of War, and Lead & Gold: Gangs of the Wild West.  Both characters seem to know how to use spells, but there must be limitations so that players would be forced to work together.  From the videos I've seen so far, I haven't noticed much "intuitive" co-op play yet as most of the clips shown has the characters just killing monsters around them.  "You watch my back and I'll watch yours" is pretty much what I get out of it, and there are tons of games already like that.  The games I play lately that involve a lot of co-op are Global Agenda and Battlefield: Bad Company 2.  I played medic a lot in both, and the role I play is definite and imperative.  But both characters in Hunted seems to be able to handle the situations themselves perfectly fine.  I'm not sure what to expect, but maybe I'll give the game a try.

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