Friday, May 13, 2011

GameLight - Brink

Blogger went down all day yesterday!  I took a short break from writing a post since there couldn't be anything done about it.  Anyways, Brink came out three days ago and I'm both excited and worried.

Source: Youtube Channel BethesdaSoftworks

What seems to be good:
-Co-op play looks rather impressive and has a lot of team-play involvement
-The jumps, slides, and stunts really does look cool and can be tactically used
-The weapon customization seems to have a variety of things you can change
-Class-based team play seems to be the main attraction to a lot players

What seems to be bad:
-A lot of players are complaining about the lag and multiplayer, must be server problems
-Sucks for Sony since PSN is down.  No one can play online on PS3
-Lack of content.  There's 8 maps, and campaign is mostly against dumb AI.  Nothing past that?
-Since it's team-based gameplay, the experience relies a lot on who you play with which is usually bad

I haven't played the game yet, but I am interested in getting it.  I'm probably going to get it for PC since I'm possibly going to get Crysis 2 for PS3 and Battlefield 3 near the end of the year.  I'm also still thinking of getting Homefront for PC, but I'm really trying my best to take a break from FPS and play more Action, RPG, and Fighting (and maybe some casual gaming).  But looking at a lot of videos, Brink really does look promising.  I just don't want to spend $60 on it when I have so many other games that needs to be beat.

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