Monday, May 9, 2011

NewNews - PSN Fully back up by May 31st

So according some blog posts and announcements from Sony, they're going to try to get everything operation by May 31st.  It seems they will be offering players 4-5 free games while being able to only to choose 2 out of them.  No solid confirmation on that for North America has been made yet, but it seems rather reliable news for Europe since it's been posted on their official forums.  I do kind of miss playing some games online for the PS3, but perhaps this break from online games will help me finish up some of my offline ones.  With the reviews I had last week, I did pretty well in completing some.  I understand that I haven't finished my review for Demon's Souls yet, but it's been pretty hectic on time and work for me the past few days.  I'll try to finish it tomorrow.  I need to get some rest for the rest of the night to prepare for tomorrow.

Source: Gamasutra - Sony: PSN Fully Online By May 31

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