Monday, May 16, 2011

VGCulture - E3 2011 Games looking forward to

The Electronic Entertainment Exposition (E3) is a big event for the Interactive Entertainment Industry that happens once every year and lets us peer into the future of what's to come and this year's E3 is less than a month away.  I had the privilege of attending last year's E3 2010 for the first time and I have to say that it was a magical experience (except when I got severely ill the 2nd day and had to sweat it out in the hotel the whole day).  A lot of people were rather disappointed with last year's E3 and didn't think too much of the games showcased, but I saw a lot of games I had interest in and bought some of them when they finally released.  It was a really fun experience and I'd like to go again one day once I'm eligible (only those in the game industry or press are allowed in.  I was an exception last year).  So E3 is coming around again this year and I have high hopes for the line of games for 2011.  Here are some select choices I'd like to see more of at E3 (In alphabetical order):
3DS Games - Fans of Nintendo and their portable systems are waiting for the games that make us want the system, and so we would really like to see some gameplay footages of games that'd make us want a 3DS.
Battlefield 3 - I started the series with Battlefield 2 and played it very sparsely.  But ever since Battlefield: Bad Company 2, I've had new found faith in the franchise and am looking forward to an amazing single-player experience as well as an exciting multiplayer mode.

Source: Youtube Channel IGNentertainment

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - I'm not sure how I feel about this one since a lot of the original creators left (or were kicked out), but I guess I'm really curious about how they'll conclude the story after creating such high standards in the past two installments.  Here's hoping for a great game and for Activision to stop abusing their power over the development.
Dark Souls - I just finished beating Demon's Souls a 2nd time last week with a magician class and so I am very anxious to see what incredible new features will be added to Dark Souls.  Demon's Souls is such an engaging RPG that it's hard to put down.  Dark Souls will definitely be a game to look out for this year.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - All I can say is "meh" as the game does look great and I have interest in playing it, but it's not a high priority listed game for me.  I hope the company is alright since I heard they were recently hacked (I don't think I applied to work for them, so my resume stuff should be safe, haha).
Final Fantasy XIII-2 - Not exactly excited as much as being reminded "hey, I bought FF13 the week it came out and I still haven't played it yet.  PLAY THE FREAKING GAME!"  Despite many negative receptions from the fans, I think I'll enjoy FF13.  Not sure about FFXIII-2 yet though, hopefully it'll be good?
Final Fantasy Versus XIII - I think all the FF fans are waiting for this one, and with good reason.  The graphics look amazing, the gameplay is more action orientated, and the story sounds decent so far.  I'm a Final Fantasy Fan, so I undoubtedly want to play though all of the games (or at least collect them) aside from the Online ones since I don't want to dedicate my life to playing them.

Source: Youtube Channel squareenix

Mass Effect 3 - I feel bad since I bought both ME 1 & 2 but have yet to play through them.  I bought it for PC, and haven't been playing it since I've been playing more PS3.  Mass Effect 3 will have multiplayer I think and I'm excited for that since it's a game series my friend really likes.  So it'll be a game we could go through together.  I've got to play the other two soon if I want to know what's going on by the time the 3rd one releases.
Metal Gear Solid Rising - I recently started getting into the Metal Gear Solid series (recent as in last summer) and am looking forward to an action game out of it.  I'm actually still working through MGS 3 and soon after 4, and I have still yet to play through 1 yet.  MGS 2 wasn't too bad and I beat it in a week (8 hours).  MGS 3 is proving to be much more difficult (especially since I'm playing on normal instead of very easy, haha).  From the gameplay they have shown for Rising so far, I expect it to be as well received as others in the series.
Ninja Gaiden III - Whaat?  The 3rd one is about to release?  I guess it's been a while since a new one came out, but I'm still working on the first one Sigma.  I guess I'd better finish the first and buy the 2nd!
Phantasy Star Online 2 - I am looking forward to PSO2 the most.  This is one game I would go out and buy on the first day and play for hours.  I'm not sure if I want to get it for PC or not yet, but it seems to be only for PC so far.  PSO2 is adding a ton of new gameplay elements and recreating everything that was great about the entire series back into this new iteration of the game.  I really hope we get to hear some news (perhaps a release date) for a North American release.  Until then, I still have Universe and Portable to keep me busy.

Source: Youtube Channel psobb12

Street Fighter X Tekken - Okay, so we keep hearing about SF X Tekken, but what about the other one that was announced?  Tekken X Street Fighter where the game plays like Tekken?  At E3, I'd like for them to show more gameplay and characters that's going to be in the game.
The Elder Scroll V: Skyrim - I'm ashamed to say that I didn't know what Elder Scroll was until Oblivion came out and I even have access to it now and still haven't played it yet.  Despite that, the videos shown for Skyrim was pretty amazing and inspired me to perhaps play Oblivion sitting on my shelf all this time.  This is one to look out for.  But in terms of RPGs, Phantasy Star Online 2 and Dark Souls take priority on my want list.

Now this is just ones we know of that I selectively chose to list.  E3 is about games we've never heard of getting their big announcement in the industry or the public and to showcase things that were rumored but not confirmed (such as Nintendo's new console.  What the heck is it going to be like?).  Well, less than a month and we'll have a lot of new games to look forward to.

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