Thursday, May 19, 2011

GameLight - Hellgate Tokyo

Kotaku reported that HanbitSoft is ready to bring the resurrection of Hellgate back to North America this Summer of June-July.  What a lot of people may not know is that it's not going to be Hellgate: London and will be Hellgate: Tokyo.

Source: Youtube Channel Alternalo

Hellgate was planned to be a multi-part series spanning the story to different parts of the world.  I heard about Hellgate: Tokyo quite a while ago (over a year ago) and had hoped to see it brought over.  Hellgate: London was originally developed by Flagship Studios and was made up of ex-Blizzard employees and many other talented members of the game industry.  It was an ambitious game that broke away from how MMOs were generally made and captivated many players throughout the world, but struggled to bring any new content to the game.  There were problems with subscriptions, game breaking bugs, and a lot of repetition in its gameplay.  I've played the single-player campaign before and really enjoyed it, but could see much more improvement to it.  I'm glad that such a project didn't just die off when it had so much potential and was bought up by HanbitSoft so that the game could continue to grow.

Source: Kotaku - The Hellgate Reopens over North America in June 
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