Friday, May 20, 2011

GameLight - Guild Wars 2 - Engineer Class

It's been a long week and I don't feel like writing too much.  And so, I leave you with a trailer of Guild Wars 2's 7th class to be added to the list:

Source: Youtube Channel machinima

I was never really interested in Guild Wars and had bought and played Guild Wars Factions after years of a friend begging me to get it.  I bought it, played it for one summer with him and his friends and never really touched it again.  I got it because I was convinced by the Asian themed setting the game took place and the Assassin Class that suits my play style in RPGs.  I really liked the game, but unfortunately never finished the story.  I still have it installed hoping to finish it one day before they decide to take down the servers for the game.  Well, the trailers for Guild Wars 2 has slowly drawn my attention and made me consider buying the game.  I think it's looking great and it might turn out to be an entertaining experience.

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