Wednesday, June 13, 2012

VGCulture - Did you play games in the 90's?

Official Site:
Source: Youtube Channel videogamemusicgalore

Anyone can instantly recognize the theme to Super Mario Bros., but there were quite a bit of games back in the 90's that only those that played games in the 90's would know the songs to.  A game uploaded onto Kongregate follows one of many "guess that videogame title" music guessing games and works mechanically well.  It doesn't force the player to speed through it and has helpful (not all the time) hints if the player gets stuck.  I'll admit that there are a number of obscure titles I've never even heard of before, and those that played mostly on Sega Genesis may get more answers than those that played a Super Nintendo.  I managed to get 76/93 points before I started doing research based on the hints.  After I completed the whole thing, I realized there's a guide online with all the answers (try to figure out how much you know before you look it up).  Good luck and have fun.

-Kotaku: How Well do You Know Your 90s Video Games?

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