Monday, June 18, 2012

NewNews - Steam Summer Sale Speculations

Official Site:

 Steam seasonal sales are quite well known to PC gamers.  The Summer and Winter sales are the most extravagant ones throughout the year as huge discounts attract gamers all over to buying the games they want and even games they might not have thought of buying but do anyways because of how great the deals are.  What makes the summer/winter sales even more fun are the events they hold each day.  Players would be able to complete tasks in their games to earn points or prizes to get exclusive items to their favorite games or even get entirely free games if they're lucky.  Right now, the rumor is that summer sales will start next week on June 24th for this year in 2012.  There has been a huge amount of releases since Winter Sales 2011 and players have been saving up.  Moreso, gamers all over the world is either on Summer vacation or graduated from school entirely (or one might be on vacation from work or unemployed).  This attracts even more gamers to buy even more games as they find the ones they'll want to play over the summer.  Right now, it's all speculation, but I'm also hoping it starts next week.

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