Friday, June 8, 2012

NewNews - Wrap-up of E3 2012

As this year's E3 comes to a close, I had to wonder if we got anything out of it this time around.

[What's New]
-Beyond: Two Souls:
From the creators of Heavy Rain (which I haven't played yet).  Just from the preview itself caused quite the reaction from the community.  I'm not incredibly interested in the game, but what they showed during Sony's Press Confernce was impressive.
-ZombiU: One of the hopes that Nintendo and the community has for the new Wii U is the return of core gaming and its fans.  ZombiU showcased a hardcore Zombie Survival FPS that works around using the new touchscreen controller, motion control, and classic button layouts.
-Project P-100: A game being developed by Platinum games, the studio that brought awesome games such as Bayonetta and Vanquish as well as upcoming Metal Gear Rising: Revengance.
-Gears of War: Judgment: I never played through any of the GoW games so I can't really be excited for this; however, some might like the fact that "People Can Fly" Studios is working with Epic Games on this one.
-Watch Dogs: It's one of those open-world games like GTA, L.A. Noire, Deus Ex: HR, or Saint's Row: The Third with a cyberpunk theme like Syndicate.  It looks interesting, but I'm not hearing much from the community about this game for some reason.
-Xbox SmartGlass: The concept entertains some good ideas for games, but the whole announcement seemed like it wanted to take over all of media rather than talk about games.  I was happy to hear Sony having something similar in the works called "Playstation Mobile" though they announced it last year as Playstation Suite so it's just a matter of it actually happening and being put to use.

[What interested me]
-ZombiU: I was hoping to see a lot more games on the Wii U mentioned at E3 this year, but it didn't seem like there were that many.  Ubisoft seems to make great use of the new touchscreen controller and is one of the first games to draw back the core gaming community into Nintendo.
-Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate: I have mixed feelings about this.  On one hand, I was happy to hear another handheld, 2D Castlevania was in development.  On the other hand, it's following the "Lords of Shadow" subtitle and is being developed by the same studios.  "Lords of Shadow" is a fun game, but I felt that it lost some attributes and characteristics that I loved about Castlevania (and a lot of people seem to like it because it feels a lot like God of War).  I really miss listening to Michiru Yamane's work in the franchise.
-Heroes of Ruin: There were already news about the game way before E3, but I didn't look into it until this week.  I like the concepts discussed in the interview, but I'm not sure how well the gameplay will be when going through it.  I'm looking out for this one.  It's one of the games convincing me to get a 3DS along with Castlevania: LoS-MoF and Theatrhythm Final Fantasy.
-The Last Story: This already came out in the first quarter of last year in Japan and many Western fans were disheartened to hear that it wasn't going to see a NA and EU launch.  It was a joyous day to hear that XSEED Games have taken the role to bring it over to NA.  It was great to hear about it at E3 this year, up until it was mentioned to be postponed to a later date.  I'm in no rush, not like I got Xenoblade Chronicles yet or anything.

I'm not sure what to make of this year's E3.  I saw a ton of games I'm looking forward to playing (yes, many being sequels), yet I felt disappointed.  There's wasn't "that one game" which made me jaw drop and say "whoa, I want that game!"  Last year, "that one game" was "Dragon's Dogma".  I tried the demo a few nights ago and really liked what I saw so far out of it (despite reading mixed reviews about the game).  There wasn't a game in particular that really stuck with me this year and it kind of makes me feel a bit empty.  I was hoping to hear Sega releasing a NA version of Phantasy Star Online 2, but that's wishful thinking.  I was hoping to hear about a new model for the 3DS with both analogs and a rumored larger screen, but Nintendo has denied rumors.  Most people within the industry, not the gaming community, are saying that 3rd-party companies saved this year's show.  I think I can agree with them on that considering a lot of the "good news" came from announcements and trailers of games developed by 3rd-party companies.  I think mainly Nintendo and Ubisoft won me over this year.  Nintendo's highlight on what games were coming out on the Wii U and what it was capable of got me a bit more interested in the new console (ZombiU really did look fun to play) and a few new games coming out on the 3DS (mainly Castlevania) has somewhat convinced me to pick one up (I'm still waiting for a new model).  Ubisoft's name was mentioned countless times with titles like Assassin's Creed 3, Splinter Cell: Blacklist, and FarCry 3 under their license.  The reveal of 4-player co-op and a map-maker for FarCry 3 was one of the very few surprises that got my attention.  Another game under Ubisoft's name that has me interested is ShootMania Storm being developed by the creators of TrackMania.  This concludes this year's E3.  This year's E3 may not have been as exciting, but it has left us a lot of anticipation for the many games shown.

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