Thursday, June 28, 2012

NewNews - Guild Wars 2 in 2 months

Official Site:
Source: Youtube Channel gameinformer

After months of testing and years of talk, ArenaNet has finally given us a release date of the very much anticipated MMORPG Guild Wars 2.  In two months, players will finally get to quest together and fight one another in glorious battles starting August 28th, 2012.  Those who pre-order the game will get to play 3 days earlier.  Those who haven't looked up on the game or even heard of it should check out some commentary videos and wiki pages as Guild Wars 2 is set to change the way MMORPGs are played once again with new mechanics for questing, combat, cooperative play, PvP, and class specific skills.  It's a completely different game from the original Guild Wars and is sure to break a few norms for MMORPGs if not a few dozen of them.  This will be the 2nd MMORPG I'm actually buying with Global Agenda being the first, and I'm very excited to finally get the chance to play this game in 2 months.

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