Thursday, June 14, 2012

GameLight - LoL Pulsefire Ezreal

Official Site:
Source: Youtube Channel RiotGamesInc

Players of League of Legends have waited for the longest time for the so-called "Megaman" Ezreal, and yesterday it was revealed.  This is possibly the most detailed skin Riot has ever done for a champion.  This new skin has a different set of voice acting, sound, death animation, ability animations, taunt, joke, dance, and movement animation.  One of the coolest aspects to this skin is that the armor Ezreal wears evolves and changes look each time he levels his "ult" (Ultimate Ability).  At a certain point, Ezreal will hover for a short while instead of walking.  It's just a different animation and doesn't give him any ability to fly over walls or anything, but it's a nice little addition to the aesthetic.  Rather than firing from a bow, Ezreal's attacks comes out of his arm cannon which is said to be an homage to Megaman.  Even his death animation has a reminiscence of the blue bomber.  That little addition to having a different animation to minion deaths and champion deaths seem almost unfair as no other champion really has that amount of detail and care for their skins as this one does (and they have been just as expensive).  The taunt for this skin is a reference to a very particular scene from the Dragon Ball Z series.  This is possibly (if not most definitely) the coolest skin Riot has ever created for a champion and I hope they continue to have this amount of detail done for skins of other champions.

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