Wednesday, January 12, 2011

VGCulture - Sony Ericsson Xperia Play

So if there are those of you who keep up with tech news or tech for gaming, you would have heard tons of updates about Sony's new Playstation Phone.  I kept up with the news on Engadget and they had quite a lot of updates on it: Engadget - Sony Ericsson Xperia Play

Source: Youtube Channel pocketnowvideo

I mention this now because "I WANT IT!"  There are concerns that I have about application support, battery life, and processing power because it doesn't really make sense to get a gaming phone with no games on it.  I'm actually qualified to get a free phone right now from my phone services and I started looking for a new phone.  I had my heart set on a Motorola but couldn't get it because of a required data plan that costs $30 a month.  It doesn't make sense to have that right now since I'm mostly working near a computer with internet access all the time.  So right now, I have to settle with a Samsung and maybe wait a bit longer before getting a new one.  It's because of this that I'm looking forward to the release of the Xperia Play from Sony.  Phone games have always served as a method of passing time when stuck somewhere: waiting for the bus at a stop, waiting at an office for an appointment of sorts, or just to pass by time.  The problems so far is that most phone games have long load times, tiny screens, terrible controls, and poor quality in development.  I'm not expecting the Sony phone to be the next big handheld gaming champion, but I'm hoping for some good quality games.  I'll admit that the iPhone has a history of decent development support from big name companies such as Capcom and Square Enix, but the fact still remains: games developed on phones do not have the design to support the type of games developers try to make on them.  We'll see, I'm hoping for the best out of this phone.

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