Thursday, January 6, 2011

NewNews - Future of First-Person Shooting?

Source: Cubic's COMBATREDI combat simulator takes augmented reality to new, awesome levels - Engadget

 A new device for simulating combat was reported on Engadget and they talked about something that every gamer probably thought of when they saw the headlines: Augmented Reality First-Person Shooter.  So what the device does is simulate combat through real life environments by implementing projections through the funky looking, Sam Fisher goggles and gun scope; have 3D Audio technology hooked up to their helmets to simulate sound coming from a direction and replicate the equipment to its respective weight and feeling with even magazine switching.  It's funny how we have barely succeeded in creating good virtual reality devices/consoles/games within the industry and population and we're all looking forward to augmented reality already.  The iPhone already has a augmented reality games to show for:


The environment doesn't necessarily change the way the game plays (as far as I know), but it is fascinating seeing a game interact with the real world.  Here's another augmented reality game I read about today:

Source: Youtube Channel thetubebompo
Article: Joystiq: PacMap lets you chomp around your city as Pac-Man

And then there's the up and coming Nintendo 3DS device that will have similar functions of implementing games within the real world:

Source: Youtube Channel Nintendo3DS

I remember seeing a PSP game that does something similar.  Anyways, it'll be interesting to see how games evolve and are implemented to our own physical world.

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