Monday, January 3, 2011

GameLight - Nintendo 3DS Anticipation

Happy New Year Everyone and welcome to the new decade!  I missed out a lot during 2010 and have 50+ games waiting for me to play through and beat; however, I'm already excited for some of the things coming out this year.  More than anything, I am excited about the release of the Nintendo 3DS.

Source: Youtube Channel giancarloparimango11

I still regret that I didn't go try it out at E3 2010 when I was there.  I was so excited about the whole experience that I ran out of time to check out most of the Nintendo products.  Anyways, I'm excited about the device having the ability to project a 3D image out without glasses to process them.  This doesn't only push one step forward for gaming, but for all media entertainment in general.  3D TV, 3D graphics cards, and 3D movies are the trend in entertainment now like it was back 30-40 years ago with Red/Cyan 3D.  With the newest Gameboy coming out, I'm hoping that 3rd Party companies in the industry are hard at work on developing interesting games to rejuvenate portable gaming.  The NDS and PSP still has entertaining games coming out once in a while, but the traffic has slowed down tremendously.  I am a bit skeptical about the initial launch of the 3DS as it seems that most of the games will be ports of old games made into 3D.  I'm hoping for innovation and the return of the true gaming experience rather than games that try to follow the fads.  I really don't mind the Street Fighter 4 port though, since it seems to stay true to the original game and has a lot of additional content.  I'm hoping for a better interface for the log in screen.  The NDS was okay, but I liked how PSP was able to stop the game and start exactly where you left off at any given notice.  From the looks of the video, you can even use the internet and then go back to the game using the home key.  With the stereoscopic camera function, I'm hoping that developers can be creative with augmented reality and create real life involving games.  There are plenty more functions such as a motion sensor (or so I heard they added), but I am looking more forward to the release of real games again.  I think the last game I bought for my DS was Phantasy Start Zero.  I love it, still playing it.  Still, I think I'm ready for another wave of games.

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