Wednesday, January 26, 2011

NewNews - Magicka sells 30,000 yesterday on first day!

Article News Sources:
Gamasutra - Arrowhead's Debut Magicka Sells 30K PC Digital Copies Day-One
Joystiq - Magicka sells 30,000 on first day, being patched 'as often as possible' 

Whoaaaa, randomly talked about seeing it yesterday and seeing posts on how it sold 30k already is so weird.  I think it's telling me to buy it, despite it being $10 instead of $5.  So I got too busy last night and couldn't try out the demo (although I got to try out 007 Goldeneye on Wii finally, awesome game), but I'm more convinced now that I should buy the game.  I should probably try out the demo really quick and make the decision to buy it or not so I can get the 3 DLC it comes with if bought before Jan. 31st.

Source: Youtube Channel GamerSpawn

So I heard there were bugs in the game, especially in multiplayer; however, it was unexpectedly counter-acted by the intentional whacky gameplay it was designed to be.  The game has the player taking the role of a mage/wizard that utilizes eight elements (fire, water, ice, earth, lightning, arcane, healing and shield) to combine in order to summon a spell forth to be casted on one's self, an enemy, imbue onto a weapon, or to heal/hurt an ally.  I personally love the idea of magic and elements but rarely ever play the spell casters in RPGs because of how fragile they are and how slow they attack.  But this game seems to be designed on fast paced action and crazy antics.  I am wondering if 13 level is enough for this game to have good replay value.  Thinking about it, maybe I shouldn't worry about that since it's $10.  I spent $5 on games like Trine and Torchlight, and I was satisfied with it.  Oh well, I'll get the demo and see what I think.  Congratulations to Arrowhead Game Studios for a job well done and in selling 30,000 in the first day.  I hope the game continues to have more sales throughout the following months.

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