Tuesday, January 11, 2011

GameLight - Modern Combat: Domination

Ack, I was so busy yesterday that I totally forgot to do a post.  I was up to my neck with work today too, and it's only going to be crazier the next following days.  Anyways, I saw this on Kotaku today:

Source: Youtube Video gameloft
Article Source: Kotaku - This Video Game Looks Awfully Familiar

I was honestly blown away by the video.  It's by Gameloft who are best known for their mobile games, it's only $8 dollars for the Playstation 3, and it utilizes the Playstation Move peripheral.  It astounds me that Stephen Totilo of Kotaku would make a reference to Call of Duty and claim it looks like it via headlines because it seems more like a way to cause fanboys to flame and troll in the comments page.  Even more surprising is how civilized people expressed themselves on the comments to the article; that is not true for the comments to the video on Youtube.  The graphics look amazing for a digital download game (I'm assuming since $8 for retail sounds like a lost on profit), the gameplay looks clean and straight-forward, and it seems to offer a game for the hardcore gamers who own the Playstation Move that other developers have yet to make (not counting those that became compatible with it such as MAG).  I don't own the Playstation Move myself, but if the game turns out to be good and meets some of my expectations, I'll probably buy it (as long as I can still play it with a regular controller).  Gameloft, I think I just gained new respects for your company.

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