Monday, November 7, 2011

GameLight - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Official Site:

Source: Youtube Channel CALLOFDUTY

I found the live action trailer to be quite charming and creative, but only to those who have had experience with the franchise.  It doesn't show any gameplay or reveal content about the game's story (though maybe a lot of people don't care as much as I do about the campaign?) If you don't know yet, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 releases tonight.  Many people are pumped for it and ready to frag!

Source: Youtube Channel CALLOFDUTY

Source: Youtube Channel Matroix

I've said it many times throughout the past year: I feel bad about what happened to many of the original founders and developers of Infinity Ward and their conflict with Activision; however, perhaps Modern Warfare can still be a great game with the fresh new minds and experienced developers of Sledgehammer games working with the remaining devs at IW.  I'm excited about the game too, but I didn't pre-order or plan on getting it 5.5 hours from now.  Sometime in the next two-four weeks, I'll drop by a store and pick it up.  I already bought Battlefield 3, and it's quietly sitting next to my PS3.  It's such a tease sitting there waiting for me to play it, but I'm so busy with work and with other games I haven't finished yet that I can semi-resist opening it (maybe I'll do that tonight).  Modern Warfare 3 will be one of many great games I'll be getting this winter.  Here's looking towards a successful (and possibly another record breaking) launch!

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