Tuesday, November 15, 2011

GameLight - Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

Official Site: http://www.marvelvscapcom3.com/us

ARGH, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 released today!!!  And even though I have games like Battlefield 3, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim in my hands, I have a really bad urge to get UMvC3!  Why?  BECAUSE I WANNA PLAY PHOENIX WRIGHT:

Source: Youtube Channel CapcomEuro

With a new mode geared towards single-player, 8 new maps and 12 new additional characters, the price of $40 "almost" feels worth it (almost, just because Capcom always seems to find new ways to milk more money).  I'm not saying that Capcom release of Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is a complete rip-off, because an additional 12 characters is pretty awesome compared to what they used to do.  From the earliest fightings games I've gotten from Capcom, the transition from Street Fighter 2 to Street Fighter 2 Turbo was an additional 4 characters with slightly better animations, and some game tweaks.  Capcom's shenanigans to release a new version of the same game isn't recent, but it does upset many loyal supports who've just bought the original MvC3 earlier this year (including me).  Unfortunately for me, I love a lot of the additional characters being brought into this new version.  So if I see it at Costco for a slightly lower price (like I did with the original) or I see it on sale for 50% off on Black Friday (like I did with Tekken 6), then I'll probably be getting it.  I want to support the boycott against Capcom's constant motives to milk more money without delivering what could be a full-fledged game.  But I also acknowledge that Capcom has always been a hard working developer as well as a publisher to ensure that the customers receive a high-quality game (I'm not going to mention any dreams beings crushed for Megaman fans or anything).

Anyways, this is the new additional characters:
-Doctor Strange
-Ghost Rider
-Frank West
-Nemesis T-Type
-Iron Fist
-Phoenix Wright
-Strider Hiryu
-Rocket Raccoon

I'll get it, but I'll just return to Skyrim until then.

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