Monday, November 14, 2011

NewNews - Game launches (Nov 15)

I'll let you all get prepared and excited for tomorrow's game releases:

Source: Youtube Channel AlanJLS7

I really want Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, but with recent purchases like Battlefield 3, Dark Souls, Deus Ex: Human Revolution and my eventual purchases of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, it's hard to convince myself to making another full-priced purchase.

Source: Youtube Channel gamespot

Most people are going to be excited for this. I'm still working on the first one...

Source: Youtube Channel NeedForSpeed

Source: Youtube Channel machinima

I was disappointed that there weren't certain features in this new addition such as custom character creations and Xtreme Mode that was once found in DW5XL. Still, there's enough content in this expansion that I'd warrant a purchase from me.

Source: Youtube Channel gamespot

NSFW by the way^

Source: Youtube Channel gamespot

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