Friday, November 11, 2011

GameLight - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Source: Youtube Channel IGNentertainment

11-11-11 marks the day of Skyrim's Release! (among other things)  This highly anticipated First-Person, Open World, Action RPG has captured the gaming community's attention since its announcement and has now finally released internationally for Playstation 3, Xbox 360, and the PC.  The Elder Scrolls series has been well known for its freedom of choice of allowing the player to be who they want to play, where they want to go, and when to fulfill a quest.  The game tends to immerse the player into its world with NPCs making their own decisions and fulfilling their own goals to create a living, breathing environment for the player to traverse in.  A large number of critics have already got their hands on Skyrim and have had the chance to review it.  It's currently leading in average scores by one point (on the Xbox 360 version) ahead of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.

I first found out about The Elder Scrolls series starting from Morrowind, but didn't really play any of them until this Summer when I bought Oblivion (and eventually Morrowind).  By the fans, Morrowind was a much better "RPG" than Oblivion while Oblivion had a much better environment in terms of graphics and full voice-over dialogues.  For me, Morrowind is super slow.  I like the concept of the free-roaming world and and open world questing, but dialogues were ridiculously long (yet important despite being boring at times), towns were far apart with the player's character runs out of stamina way too quickly with it recovering very very slowly, and the quests and maps were so confusing.  It's true that Oblivion has become more simpler and has eliminated some of the customization, but it made it much more approachable.  It's easier to find your way around the world and quests are a lot less cluttered.  The problems with Oblivion was that its inventory system felt like a step back with a long laundry list of items instead of a window where you can see all the items in one place, the map can't zoom in and out so there's a lot of dragging around to find where the heck everything is, and the quests list is still super cluttered despite a better tracker for it.  There are still problems with NPCs having odd conversation or changing their accent in the middle of talking, animations not quite right, and a number of other glitches and problems.  I can actually over look most of these flaws as I am no stranger to bugs in a videogame; however, the biggest problem I have with Oblivion is that it crashes very very frequently.  I've only played the game for 13 hours and I would have a lot more accumulated if it weren't for the game crashing so much.  I've adapted by saving after every action I take (talking to an NPC, killing an enemy, walking through a door), but it gets in the way of enjoying the game.  In the past two nights of only a mere 2 hours, the game has crashed over 12 times (sometimes right away at the startup).  If it was just a problem with my computer, at least I'd be able to fix it.  But it seems as though this frequent crashing has plagued a large number of players for the PC.  For Marrowind (TES 3), the only real problem I faced was the fact that music couldn't play correctly in the game (which bothers me a lot actually, but at least I can play).  For these problems I've faced with TES 3 and 4, I am going to be getting TES 5: Skyrim on Playstation 3 and hope that I don't run into any game breaking glitches or bugs.  I don't mind not playing with mods or anything as I don't even play with mods on Morrowind or Oblivion.  I'm hoping that Skyrim has improved upon itself from Oblivion and allow me to enjoy the game to its fullest.  RPG fans should not miss out on this exciting new installment in The Elder Scrolls series.  Have a good weekend and prepare for the next two weeks of new game releases!

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