Tuesday, November 8, 2011

VGCulture - The Humble Voxatron Debut

Official Site: http://www.humblebundle.com/

Source: Youtube Channel WolfireGames

Continuing the great efforts of the Humble Bundle by the indie community, The Humble Voxatron Debut offers the chance to try out the Alpha AND get every version update thereafter of Voxatron.  Voxatron is a Platform Shooter and has a unique editor which allows players to create their own content for the game.  Along with the Voxatron is The Binding of Isaac created by Team Meat of Super Meat Boy as well as Blocks That Matters.  The Binding of Isaac is an Action-Adventure RPG-ish Dungeon Crawler with some Rogue-like elements.  The player travels around the basement (dungeon) in a classic The Legend of Zelda dungeon way to collect items, defeat enemies, and fight bosses.  I've been keeping an eye out for this game ever since its announcement as I really enjoyed Super Meat Boy and was excited to see what the developers were going to do for this game.  The Binding of Isaac is a difficult game as its main "rogue-like" element is not knowing what might be on the other side of the door of each new room.  Each new enemy possesses a threat the player may not know until they're actually hit.  And as the game randomly generates rooms, items, and enemies, the game has quite the replay value.  Blocks That Matters is a 2D puzzle platformer.  If you enjoyed games such as Braid or LIMBO, then perhaps you'll like this game.  The player takes blocks from one area and utilizes them in another in order to progress through the game.  Keep in mind that the only way to get the two extra games is by paying more than the average price that others are paying (which is only $5.08 at the moment).  And as always, the money received for the Indie Humble Bundle promotions will go towards Charity (one for children's hospitals and the other for helping regulate things such as free speech in the digital age) as well as supporting our beloved indie game developers in pursuit of creating more great games.  There's only 6 days left, so if you're interested in the games, donating to charity, or both, then please click on the link on the top and participate in this humble promotion.

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