Monday, October 17, 2011

Retroview - Titan Quest

Official Site:
Steam Page:

Source: Youtube Channel IGNentertainment

Released back in 2006, Titan Quest was not much of an interest to me.  I actually don't even remember the game coming out.  I just knew about it last year when I saw a friend playing it.  I asked her whether it was fun and she said it was to hold her down until Diablo 3 came out.  Up to that point (and even up till just last week) I have not play any of the Diablo games.  I don't remember what the reason was that I didn't get it (probably because I wasn't even allowed to play much videogames, much less buy one) back when I was in Jr. High and everyone was talking about it, but I suppose it's good to know that I've given it a try now.  So a few years back (about 3-4 years ago), I tried out Diablo 2 for about 5 minutes and I thought to myself "I fail to see what was so great about this game".  It was during this time I was still in college and had very little time to play games and so I had stuck with a lot of Fighters, Shoot-em-ups, and First-Person Shooters since they were all short and required little time investment.  Fast-forward to the present where I've already graduated and have more time to myself, I've gotten back into RPGs and Action-Adventure games.  I got to try out Diablo 3 back in 2008 at BlizzCon and really liked it.  So with the anticipated wait for Diablo 3, I've been trying to fill in that void and thirst for Diablo 3 with similar games.  I had beat Torchlight recently (which I need to do a very late review for) and felt I needed something more.

Just last week, Titan Quest and Titan Quest Immortal Throne (packed together as Titan Quest Gold) was on sale for $5 on Steam.  Watching back at the gameplay (such as the one above) and screenshots, I really didn't have much interest in it.  But I remembered my friend told me it was fun and it was much like Diablo.  I decided to take a risk and bought it, and boy am I super glad I did.  The game's class system is what really turned me on in the game.  A player starts out naked (figuratively) with no specialties or skills.  They eventually choose 2 different masteries which narrows them into a certain type of class.  I'm playing the original one right now which has 8 masteries to combine (the expansion adds 2 more I think) and has all sorts of different combinations that define the class the character plays as.  I combine the mastery "warfare" which focuses on dual-wielding and strength with "rogue" which excels in poison and damage to create an Assassin.  I'm able to dish out a ton of damage and combine all sorts of elements with my weapons so that I have fire damage, lightning attacks, poison, bleeding, and leech life going when I'm attacking hordes of enemies.  The game is exciting in that with an alarming amount of enemies coming at you, the player still finds a way to overcome them.  It does get challenging at times and isn't just a clicking game (as most have pointed out in top-down, point-n-click Action RPGs such as Diablo) as strategy, timing, and skill/equipment allocation all contribute to a wholesome Action RPG experience.  The biggest problem I had to face in the beginning was having to go back every 2-3 minutes to sell all the items that drop.  I learned from a buddy of mine from playing Diablo 2 with him that you don't have to pick everything up and just picking up rare items to sell them is enough money for all that the player needs.  I'm seriously having a ton of fun playing Titan Quest and can't believe I didn't try it sooner.  I'm questing around, killing tons of enemies, learning new skills, looting incredible weapons and armor, and fighting formidable bosses.

Even with all the fun I'm having with Titan Quest, I read up online that many ARPG fans still prefer Diablo 2 over it.  I still had the Diablo 2 from the 3-4 years ago I tried and decided to give it another try (this time with the expansion and playing longer than just 5 minutes).  I'll admit that both Titan Quest and Diablo 2 were kinda boring and made me skeptical in the first 1-2 hours.  But after that threshold, I got hooked.  I can't stop playing as I'm always trying to find better loot, fight harder enemies, and gain more experience to get more skill points to utilize new abilities in the game.  I'm very glad I bought Titan Quest and more so that I bought the expansion with it so that I may try out some new class combinations.  This will hold me out until Diablo 3 I think.

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