Thursday, October 13, 2011

GameOn - Fighting Games - Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

Official Site:

Source: Youtube Channel CapcomEuro

It makes me sad that I'm going to be buying another copy of Marvel vs. Capcom 3, but it seems to be the trend in fighting games to add some extra content to the existing game and resell it.  The thing is, there will be 8 new levels and 12 additional characters.  The one I'm most excited about is Phoenix Wright among other characters such as Ghost Rider, Hawkeye, Strider Hiryu (yay for his return!), Fire Brand, and Vergil.  With so many new characters joining the roster, I can't help but buy it when it's released.  I'm hoping there will be a new mode of sorts to play since I play solo quite often if I'm not playing local multiplayer.  I don't play any of my fighting games online, though I really should for the "Ultimate" experience.  From my experience with online play on MvC3 (the only fighting game I've played online so far), the connection is pretty smooth and delivers a pretty legitimate competitive experience.  One of the problems I had with MvC3 was the amount of characters compared to MvC2, and this new expansion seems to remedy that.  I'm not sure if I really want to spend $40 for those new characters right away.  I should probably wait it out and actually play the fighting games that's barely touched right now until I can get it for $20.  The only problem is if suddenly Capcom decides to release "Super Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3".  They seem to do that quite often.  I skipped over getting "Super" Street Fighter 4 and then got it when "Arcade Edition" came out.  Nonetheless, I can't wait to play as Phoenix Wright!

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