Wednesday, October 12, 2011

GameOn - Fighting Games - Soul Calibur 5

Official Site:

Source: Youtube Channel RajmanGamingHD

The first time I played Soul Calibur was at a nickel arcade.  It was like many other 3D games out around time of its release such as Virtua Fighter, Tekken, and such.  What really got me into Soul Calibur was when my father bought me Soul Calibur 2 and I didn't really know what it was (I didn't even know I had played Soul Calibur 1 at this time), but I liked the premise of a fighting game based on swords (I love swords).  My father had bought me the gamecube version with Link as the special character for the system.  From the different swords, to the quest like legend mode, Soul Calibur was a different fighting game for me and I really enjoyed it.  When 3 came out, it was only for PS2 and I ended up not getting it.  When my father had bought me the PS3 one Christmas, he got Soul Calibur 4 with it (among 11 other games).  To my dismay, I was disappointed that all the characters were created using the customizer they created.  I felt a lot of the personality of the characters were all watered down since they had similar features.  On the bright side, the level of customization was very high.  I didn't play Soul Calibur 4 as much (I don't play a lot of my fighting games all that much because I have so many games now) but I'm still excited for Soul Calibur 5 for some reason.  It seems that Ivy is more properly robed.  I assumed she was gonna go all out seeing the progression from SC2 to SC4.  It's mainly the new characters being introduced that has me interested in the game.  One of them is Natsu, but I won't be as interested if she's a direct copy of Taki (she's Taki's student).  I'm still so interested in fighting games even if I don't play them too often (anymore) mainly because of the amount of games I have now than I did before.  It's also mainly because fighting games, shoot-em-ups, and First-Person Shooters were the main genres I played throughout college because I didn't have enough time to sit down and play for a long duration.  With more time now, I'm getting back into RPGs like crazy.  Still, with the release of fighting games like Soul Calibur 5, I want to get back into Fighting games a least a little bit.

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