Tuesday, October 4, 2011

GameLight - RAGE

Official Site: http://www.rage.com/

Source: Youtube Channel machinima

RAGE was released last night along side with the release of Dark Souls.  RAGE is an Action-Adventure First-Person Shooter with some RPG elements and semi-open world roaming.  No critic reviews were seen at all as of yesterday and I guess all of them were posted the second the game was officially released.  Currently, the scores average to 83-84/100 Xbox 360-PS3 respectively with no average rating for PC thus far from the critics.  From fan reviews, it seems that RAGE for the PC is riddled with glitches, crashes, ugly textures, errors and such.  As I've mentioned before in the past posts, I didn't have much interest in RAGE ever since the first time I heard about it at E3 2010.  I didn't bother to even look up any gameplay trailers until today and after watching a few of them and reading a few reviews, I'm interested in playing through it.  This means I'm not going to be buying it for a while.  A lot of people are complaining how it looks like a Borderlands or Fallout 3 Rip-off.  Looking at some of the videos, I can see that there are influences of Borderlands inventory system, level and artistic design, and open-world concept in the footages.  Is that a bad thing?  Of course not.  Borderlands was a great game, but RAGE doesn't seem like Borderlands at all in terms of an overall gameplay experience.  I guess some people are pointing out the post-apocalyptic theme that Fallout 3 had in RAGE, but the game doesn't look or playing very much like Fallout 3 at all.  If anything, the game reminds me of Doom 3 (which would make sense since the developers are the creators of Doom and Quake).  The game has "some" RPG elements, but it isn't an RPG.  The game has "free-roaming" missions and maps, but it's not an entire open-world game.  There also seems to a be a racing game implemented into this FPS-adventure.  Players can race, build their own car and upgrade them to win more money.  The game does look fun, but compared to several other fall and winter releases (not to mention ones I've missed during the spring and summer such as Deus Ex: HR and Dead Island) I'm just not interested enough to go out and get it...yet.  If you're concerned about spending the full $60 for the game, wait till Black Friday/Cyber Monday and see if you can get a good deal (sometimes a drop to $20-$30 can happen during that duration in time, even for new games).

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