Wednesday, October 5, 2011

GameLight - War of the Immortals

Official Site:

Source: Youtube Channel PerfectWorldVideos

War of the Immortals will be a sequel of sorts (I suppose, not sure) to Battle of the Immortals.  It plays similarly but with extra content such as new classes, more items, and new dungeons to explore.  It'll be a top-down MMORPG with all the usual stuff such as PvP, questing, and instances.  I finally tried out Battle of the Immortals last night and got up to level 21 in 2 hours.  The gameplay is much faster than most MMORPGs nowadays, though it feels like an old school MMORPG as Online RPGs have that top-down isometic type of view.  War of the Immortals will be getting three additional classes from Battle of the Immortals: Ranger, Duelist, and Enchantress.  The game utilizes the auto-path function that most all Chinese MMORPGs have which makes it really easy to progress from one point to the next without having to guess where everything is.  Just a word of warning: the game looks a lot like Diablo, but it's not Diablo.  The game plays more closely to games such as Twelve Sky 2, Mir 2, and Ultima Online (if anyone even remembers that).  I'm liking Battle of the Immortals so far, so I'm anxious to see what sorts of improvements will be brought in War of the Immortals.

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