Thursday, August 22, 2013

NewNews - Destiny on PC?

Official Site:
Source: Youtube Channel destinygame

Don't tease me like that Joystiq!  Apprently, Kotaku did the same in an original post for this video.  The game is set to release for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.  What a lot of players want was a release for PC as well as many First-Person Shooter fans like playing on their computers with a keyboard/mouse, ability to type messages to communicate, and (usually) better graphics.  But Bungie hasn't confirmed a PC release yet.  So when I saw that it was going to be released on "PC" as well on Joystiq's post, I got so excited.  But seeing Kotaku's note on their post made me double-check on the official website to see no version for PC.  Perhaps this is hinting/pressuring Bungie to add in a PC release as well.  My guess is that they are highlighting the new consoles (PS4/XB1) as much as possible.  Destiny on PC is still very possible, but no real confirmation has been announced yet.  The game's looking great and I'm looking forward to seeing more.

Destiny is a First-Person Shooter developed by Bungie, the original creators of the Halo series, with open-world gameplay, online experiences, and RPG elements such as leveling up, gaining skills and grabbing loot.

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