Monday, August 5, 2013

NewNews - EverQuest Next

Official Site:
Source: Youtube Channel EverQuest Next Source: Youtube Channel EverQuest Next

All weekend long, I kept seeing articles and blog posts of "Everquest Next" being the game that'll change MMORPGs and break away from the old tired structure that the original Everquest built and World of Warcraft popularized.  Guild Wars 2 was the game that everyone said will change MMORPGs and break the structure and all.  It did change some things about MMORPGs and it was a lot of fun.  But when every MMORPGs starts saying that, it stops being marketable phrases to use.  Fortunately, there are gameplay and demonstrations shown which convinced me otherwise of what they've been saying.  Destructible environments, multi-altitude plains, clothing and hair that react to the weather around the characters, etc. shows that they are trying new things out.  I have to say that I'm impressed and am looking forward to seeing more of the game in the future.

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