Monday, March 25, 2013

GameLight - Warframe

Official Site:
Steam Page:
Source: Youtube Channel ForceSC2strategy

Warframe is a free-to-play online cooperative Action 3rd-person shooter in which the player and 3 other players join together in taking on instanced missions.  I never heard of the game before today and saw it show up on Steam and immediately downloaded it to try out.  In my own way of describing it, the player takes the role of a flipping alien ninja with guns, melee weapons and powers to subdue their enemies while fulfilling missions to escort hostages, destroy cores, and assassinate.  For the most part, the combat is a 3rd-person shooter utilizing rifles, pistols, shotguns and such with close combat involving axes, blades, and hammers.  The player will acquire abilities to go stealth, deploy decoys, jump higher, and many other abilities.  From the one hour I played of it so far, I enjoyed it.  The shooting is pretty solid, and melee combat is pretty fluid.  It's super easy to group up with other player and there's the choice to play solo too.  There's some platforming and keeps the game from being just about running forward.  Despite being really entertaining, there are some problems I have with the game.

My biggest gripe with the game is that the controls can't be changed.  Melee attack uses the "E" key and I generally like having my melee attacks on my side mouse key.  Interacting with objects is the "X" key and I would like to set it to my "F" key which is actually used for switching weapons by default.  It's not too big of a problem that it would mar the experience I've had with the game thus far, but it would allow me to change the key mappings to my own comfort.  Another problem is item acquisition.  Since it's free-to-play, it's not surprising to have a micro-transaction system built in.  Some items are exclusively for those who pay real money and can be pretty pricey.  Even with in-game credits, the items are still considered really expensive and will take a while to acquire.  With that, your gameplay might be the same for quite a while before you can change things up a little.  Still, the game is worth checking out and provides a decent amount of entertainment.

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