Monday, March 11, 2013

Retroview - 007 Nightfire

Source: Youtube Channel MORPHEUSCATANA1

It's been a while since I've played my Gamecube and I still have uncompleted games on it so I still have a reason for playing it.  I bought 007 Nightfire a little over 10 years ago and never completed because I got stuck on one of the levels.  In the past year, each time I wanted to take a break from recent games I go back and play a level.  For some reason, the game felt significantly easier for me to complete in terms of difficulty.  In terms of patience, it was difficult to sit and play through.  I finally played the last 2 levels last night and completed.  Did I really become that much more experienced in First-Person Shooters?  Perhaps I did considering the amount of FPS games I played throughout college and beyond.  I looked back at the previous levels of the games and even though I played them over a decade ago, I remember them and the events that took place.  Sure, no 007 games seem as great and memorable as 007 Goldeneye, but I think even Nightfire had its moments.  What I really miss about playing Nightfire is playing multiplayer with friends.  I think I miss doing that in most games as less games have local multiplayer and very few of my friends have interest in playing games that have them (ex: Call of Duty series).  That seems to be what put 007 games above the others early 2000.  But as online multiplayer games got more popular as well as the rise of Call of Duty, the 007 franchise just couldn't hold the interest of players anymore.  007 games ares still being made, but I rarely hear anything good about any of them.  The latest 007 games I got is 007 Goldeneye for the Nintendo Wii, and it's a recreation of the original with some modern twists such as using Daniel Craig's likeness rather than Pierce Brosnan's.  The game feels more like Call of Duty than classic 007 games, but maybe that's okay.  It felt good finishing Nightfire because I left it uncompleted for so long, but I don't think it's a game I can really enjoy anymore.  Sure there's nostalgia there, but I think I'd only be able to enjoy playing multiplayer with friends which I doubt will happen anytime soon as my friends can't handle playing with such outdated graphics.  007 movies still do fairly well such as the most recent one "Skyfall" which won an Oscar for best song for a film of 2012, but I think the popularity it had on gaming is long gone.

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