Tuesday, March 5, 2013

GameLight - Castlevania Lords of Shadow Mirror of Fate

Official Site: http://www.konami-castlevania.com/mof/
Source: Youtube Channel NintendoWorldReport

Castlevania Lords of Shadow Mirror of Fate released today on the Nintendo 3DS.  I have been very worried about it ever since its reveal last year at E3 as it seems to embody the original Castlevania more than the Metroidvania that handheld Castlevania games have followed.  It's not to say that I don't like the retro-styled side-scrolling adventure that Castlevania started with since I grew up with them and love them.  The problem is that they lack content in our current day generation where paying $40 for just a handheld game had better be worth our time.  The game follows the same story arc of Lords of Shadow with the return of 2 familiar characters in the series: Trevor and Simon Belmont.  It bothers me a little that the story of those two pivotal characters might be changed in a way that I may not find desirable.  As many might be able to tell, I am very skeptical about this iteration in the Castlevania series which is pretty scary since I gave even the infamous Castlevania Judgment a chance.  Still, it's a Castlevania and I'm willing to give it a go.  I'm just not willing to dish out $40 for it at the moment, especially since I just ordered 2 games for the 3DS that still hasn't arrive just yet.  I also haven't played through Lords of Shadow yet, despite having bought it a while ago.  Guess I'll wait out on this.  It's good to know I'll have a 3DS game to buy when I finished the others I have.

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