Thursday, December 20, 2012

VGCulture - Steam Winter Sales 2012

Official Site:
Steam Winter Sale has begun!  From today December 20th - January 4th, Steam will be having featured sales each day.  Along with featured sales, there's community choice sales on the side, flash sales on the bottom of the page, indie game sales with their own page, and bundle sales so you can get a dozen games for the price of one.  Aside from the Steam Winter Sales, I'll be having friend and family coming home, and I also need a break; therefore, I shall be absent from the blog for the next 2 weeks.  Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, and Happy gaming!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

GameLight - Don't Starve

Steam Page:
Source: Youtube Channel GameRiotArmy

There's a little indie game called Don't Starve that I just completely overlooked because I didn't like the art style.  A few days ago, a friend of mine was talking about it and said he'd bought it already and described it as a survival game having to collect resources, research new items, and fighting off hostile creatures.  Through his description I had become more interested in the game, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to buy it.  Then he said that those who bought the game gets an extra copy and he graciously gave it to me.  The game isn't officially completed yet, but players can buy it now and go through the process of playing the beta as it gradually updates much like other indie games (Minecraft is an excellent example).

Before I started the game, I asked my friend what I should focus on the first time playing.  "Collect as much grass, wood, and flint as possible".  I wasn't sure what to expect, but I had enough materials to create a fire.  I did when it said I should, but it just so happens that it ran out before the night ended and I died.  It reminded me of the first time I played Terraria and I was mobbed by zombies.  In Don't Starve, it implements permadeath.  So once you die, you start over.  But from what I understand, anything you research is saved.  So it's a game of seeing how long you can survive.  My 2nd playthrough, I got through 4 nights and ended up making a machine that can research more items to create.  I was running out of food and I couldn't move my machine, so I decided to research as much as possible before my character died.  Ironically, my character starved to death in a game called "Don't Starve".  I still don't really like the art style, but the game mechanics have piqued my interest and I'll probably continue playing the game as it continually evolves.  If hardcore games or survival simulations is your thing, check out the steam page on top.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

GameLight - Street Fighter x Mega Man

Official Site: Source: Youtube Channel CapcomUnityVideos

So it's Mega Man's 25th Anniversary and Capcom didn't have anything planned; however, they still had something available for the faithful fans of Mega Man.  A fan made game called Street Fighter x Megaman was in the making by an individual along with a music composer who re-created familiar Street Fighter themes into 8-bit goodness and caught the attention of Capcom.  This led to an official publication of the game with Capcom backing up the developer in pushing out the game to the masses.  For us Mega Man fans and gamers, we get a free download of the completed game as a celebration of 25 years of the blue bomber.  From what I heard, there isn't a save function, so be sure to free up some time before attempting to take on this game.  Happy 25th year anniversary Mega Man, we hope to still see great games come out in your name.

Monday, December 17, 2012

GameLight - The War Z

Official Site:
Steam Page:
Source: Youtube Channel FPSGeneral

A little mod for ArmA 2 known as DayZ caught the attention of the gaming community and industry media as a unique Survival-Horror not found in many Zombie games.  Rather than fighting swarms of zombies around every corner being able to patch up any wound and going from point-A to point-B, DayZ work around the idea of a more realistic environment where resources are scarce, other players are potential threats, and Zombies are very dangerous.  As this mod started picking up more interest to the masses, the mod team decided to work on a stand alone game that takes off the limitations of the ArmA 2 Engine.  However, around the same time, another team of developers had announced a game called The War Z.  With great haste, they have launched the game and have made it available on steam right now.

The War Z is a Zombie Survival-horror MMO where players can play together or on an open-world map where all players can be allies or enemies.  The realism comes into play with hunger/thirst trackers, scarce resources, and losing everything upon death.  For Hardcore mode, you lose everything like in the DayZ mod including your characters.  The game is currently -10% off for $13.49 on Steam with other options to get in-game currency to buy better items.  But beware, even in-game bought items can be lost upon death and taken by other players.  Also, it seems you have to wait an hour before you can respawn with your character after death.  Good luck to those planning to play the game!

Friday, December 14, 2012

VGCulture - 6 Days before Steam Winter Sale

Official Site:

Despite my ever-growing backlog of games, I am pretty excited for the Steam Winter Sale coming up next Thursday December 20th.  As mentioned in last month's post about the Steam Seasonal Sales, the Steam Winter Sale will go from December 20th to January 4th.  It's like the 15 days of Christmas for PC gamers!  Many are looking forward to the sale to grab games they've waited all year for, to buy gifts for friends, and/or to give that "one game" a chance for its ridiculously low price.  With recently released games such as Assassin's Creed 3 and Far Cry 3, core gamers will definitely look out for a possible discounted price for their chance to nab them.
Source: Youtube Channel ubisoft

Be sure to do your research and make a list of games to look out for.  Going through the day to day featured sale can be overwhelming and so making a list of games you know you want will help you search for them.  Remember that even though a game doesn't get a featured sale, they usually still get a discount unless they're asked by the publisher specifically not to participate in the sales.  Those 2 weeks starting next Thursday are going to be so much fun!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

VGCulture - Free MOGA and Android Game!

Official Page: MOGA Mobile Gaming Controller
Source: Youtube Channel gameloft

Game developer "Gameloft" is known for taking existing games and making mobile versions of them.  Sure they're rip-offs, but they're good replications of the games.  In response to Gameloft's newest release of Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour, Power A has a special offer of the MOGA controller along with a code for the game to everyone until 11:59PM PST or until they run out for residents of the United States.  Just go to the page up above, add the package to the cart and enter "SecretSanta" in the promotional code to get your free Android controller and Game code.  All you have to do is pay for shipping & handling and Tax which varies depending on where you are in the United States.  It should be between $5-$6 altogether.  Also, I think it comes with a Sonic CD and Pac-Man code for free download as well.  Big thanks to Kotaku for sharing this with us gamers!

- Kotaku - Celebrate the Release of Modern Combat 4...

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

GameLight Review - Awesomenauts

Official Site:
Steam Page: Source: Youtube Channel MachinimaTrailer

Developer: Ronimo Games
Publisher: Ronimo Games
Platforms: Playstation 3, Xbox 360, [PC]
Release Date: Apr 10, 2012
Genre: 2D-Action Tower Defense (Action, Platformer, Strategy, RPG)

+ Cute and charming characters in a cartoon-ish world
+ Fairly easy to learn how to play compared to most MOBA-like games
+ Fast-paced and lots of action going on right from the start
+ Player drop-in/drop-out makes it easier to find a game to play
+ Continually unlock more characters, features, and items, even if you lose
+ New characters being added without having to pay more for them
+ Can play 3-player co-op locally and host private games up to 6 players online
+ Controller compatibility as well as keyboard/mouse combo controls

- Limited customization in character builds
- Online community is fairly weak with very few players playing online (PC)
- Even with 3 distinct maps, they can wear out in interest very quickly
- Other than practice mode, there isn't much for solo play when no one's online

Recommended: Yes, if you can get 3-6 friends together, this game can be very fun

If we were to mix a 2D Multi-player shooter like "Soldat" with popular Warcraft 3 Mod "Defense of the Ancients" (DotA), masking it with our favorite 80's cartoons, we'd end up with something like Awesomenauts.  Players choose from a variety of characters in a 3 versus 3 battle royale to push their robot army into the enemies towers, base, and eventually destroy the drill.  Throughout the battle, players will gather "solar" from enemy droids, enemy players, and scattered around the field which will allow the player to buy more items to become more powerful.  Unlike most MOBA-like games, a character's strength and abilities come from purchasing them at the store rather than gaining experience points.  The game was really easy to learn and very enjoyable once the mechanics of the game was grasped.  It did bother me a little that the amount of customization to item builds were so limited.  This doesn't allow for much variation.  Still, for a regular price of $9.99 provides a decent amount of game play time.

Art Style: 80's Cartoon style
+ Distinct and charming characters
+ A really "awesome" opening
+ Maps are colorful and easy on the eyes
+ Objects are easy to distinguish
+ User-interface is shiny and clean/organized
+ Each character has their own theme song and killing spree verison
+ Voice acting is great and embodies the characters

- Frame-rate drops drastically and erratically during split-screen multiplayer
- Lag issues from one side can be seen by others and affects hit-boxes
- Songs can be annoying and repetitive at times
Aesthetics: 9/10

Controller: Any gamepad with directional keys and 4 buttons; keyboard/mouse
+ Compatible with a lot of different gamepads for PC
+ Keyboard and mouse provides the best controls for multi-directional aiming
+ Controls are easy to grasp and feels great in game
+ User-interface for the shop is easy to navigate and figure out
Buttons: 9/10

Concept & Content
Core Concept: Push droids into enemy base while getting more powerful
+ Smart approach for a 2D-Platformer MOBA with simplified game mechanics
+ The whole 80's theme is realized with the theme songs, graphics, and characters
+ Story is simple, but gets its point across on why these characters fight each other
+ 3 distinct levels thus far, each with their unique gimmick
+ Characters are gradually being added to the game for free
+ All extra paid content is solely aesthetics: alternate character outfits
+ Being able to bring certain items vary the playstyle of the player each time

- Item build variety is very limited
- The maps and gameplay can grow weary on a player after a while
- Some characters feel overpowered while others feel very useless
- Can't browse through available games, all match-made
Concept and Content: 8/10

+ Matches generally don't last that long, so lots of matches can be played
+ The level/unlocks system is a good incentive to keep playing
+ The game's a lot of fun, and time will burn through quite quickly
+ New characters come out slowly, but players will revisit the game for each one
+ It takes around 5 hours to unlock all the characters, so there's no grind for them

- The novelty of the game can wear out rather quickly, best to take breaks from it
- Can be hard to continue playing if no one's online or friends aren't on
Duration: 8/10

+ The title opening is what really got me, reminds me of Battlefield Heroes teaser
+ I really liked the idea of each character getting their own killing spree song
+ All the characters are lovable, especially Clunk, I love to hate him so much...
+ Battles are really exciting and fairly constant in action, less passive action
+ I like Leon and Raelynn the most, they're challenging to play but so satisfying
+ A few of my friends got the game as well and made it extra fun to play

- Not having that many people online makes it hard to enjoy playing multiplayer
- The game can get boring playing long durations in a short amount of time
Fun: 9/10

Awesomenauts is a solid multiplayer game.  I can't see it being a highly competitive e-sport tournament game, but it can provide a decent amount of entertainment for casual players among friends.  With the ability to play 3-player local, 6-player online, and against bots, the game can be a really fun distraction from other games or one that can be played during short breaks in the day.  It's not too complicated, so it's easy to jump in and out whenever one feels like playing it.  I'm not too certain with PS3 and Xbox 360, but PC players should try to grab a few friends who they know they can join playing together or against each other as the Online community is scarce.  Also for PC players, Steam occasionally has some good discounts for the game so be sure to look out for the game as cheap as $2.49-$4.99 from its usual $9.99.  Overall: 8.6/10

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

VGCulture - Version Dilemma

Street Fighter X Tekken is on sale today at Steam (PC) for $12.49.  I have waited all year long, not only for a discount, but also for the 12 new characters that were semi-on the disc but not available.  They're available now, but only for PS3 and Xbox 360 for $20 or you can get the PS Vita version and have all the characters for the full price game of $40.
Source: Youtube Channel CapcomEuro

There are so many factors that change the same game on different systems nowadays, and the game industry just plays into it to find the best possible way to get more than the average price that fans/customers pay for.  I'm now having that dilemma at the moment with Street Fighter x Tekken.  It's not with just PC vs. Consoles, but with every other factor too.  For some games, if you pre-order from Amazon, maybe you'll get a free map.  But if you pre-order from GameStop, you'll receive a neat weapon exclusively from them.  Here are some of the factors for me in Street Fighter x Tekken:

Playstation 3
+ $20 for the game + $20 for the 12 extra characters completing the roster
+ Able to play on a big screen TV
+ Playing on a PS3, I assume it's more reliable with more patch support
+ Mega Man, Cole MacGrath, Pac-Man, Toro, and Kuro exclusively for PS3
+ Universal Fightstick controller compatibility
+ Playing comfortably with friends locally (4-players)

- A big insult to fans who supported the game buying at $60 with on-disc DLCs
- Rarely do the DLCs have any sales or discounts
- Making sure you have enough Hard Drive space, a problem for early PS3s
- DLCs cost nearly $70 altogether (About ~$67.56)

Xbox 360
+ $40 altogether like the PS3 excluding exclusive PS3 characters
+ Able to play on a big screen TV
+ Fightsticks work universal between PS3, Xbox 360 and PC
+ Able to play comfortably with friends locally (4-players)

- No exclusive characters
- Must pay Xbox Live in order to play online
- DLCs are still expensive
- Hard Drive space is still a problem if it's an early version Xbox 360
- Even with the 12 new characters, still not as much as the PS3s version

Playstation Vita
+ $40 for the definitive version of the game, no DLC purchases necessary
+ Portable, can be played anywhere you go
+ Can still play online through local, wi-fi, or 3G network
+ If you already own the PS3 version, the 12 extra characters is added to PS3
+ Cross-compatibility, what you do on PS Vita will save to your PS3

- Buying the game twice to get everything, sounds familiar...
- If you only bought this version, you can't play on a large screen
- Can't play with a friend locally unless they have a PS Vita with the game as well
- Cannot be played with a fight-stick, but has easy swipe controls?

+ On steam right now, it's on sale with 75% for $12.49
+ Even the DLC packs are on sale
+ Steam's recently released Big Picture mode allows easier TV play
+ Can still be played with a fight stick
+ Easier to bring around if it's a laptop compared to a console/TV combo

- Must log into Games for Windows Live, which I hate
- Does not include the 12 extra characters, they can't be bought
- Not everyone has gamepads on PC to play 4-player local
- Higher chance of crashes, bugs, and incompatibility such as slow downs
- Unless you hook up to a large monitor or TV, local multiplayer will feel cramped
- Unlike all other versions, you must be online to play even single-player
- Probably little to no players online

As you can see, all versions have their perks and severe disadvantage.  The Playstation 3 doesn't get discounts for DLCs, Xbox 360 doesn't get any of the exclusive characters available on PS3, PS Vita can't do many of the things the other 3 versions can (play locally with friends on the same system, use a fightstick, play on a big-screen), and PC version doesn't get to even buy the DLC characters as well as having to stay logged into Games for Windows Live.  The version to get just depends on the player.  PS3 players could get the game and the 12 characters as DLCs for $40 or get the PS Vita version along with it for a total of $60 for cross compatibility.  If the Xbox 360 player doesn't mind not having the exclusive characters, they can just get the game and DLC characters for $40.  The PS Vita player could choose to only get their version as it is the definitive version if they plan to play solo and online exclusively for $40.  Then there's the PC version, which clearly has a ton of disadvantages, where it's really cheap for the core game with some of the features that a console has.  In any case, it seems no one wins other than Capcom themselves.  Despite all the uproar Capcom has stirred up in the past few years (if not from the beginning with having 3-5 different versions of Street Fighter 2), they have provided quite a bit of quality games.  I'm probably going to get the Steam/PC version.  I swear I'll go crazy if they suddenly announce "Super Street Fighter x Tekken definitive version" for PS3.  I think I've only bought the same game twice before: Dead Island because my friend wanted to play on PS3 while PC was moddable and had a crazy sale and BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend for PS3 with the original already at hand and BlazBlue Continuum Shift 2 for 3DS just so I can play it on the go.  But I'd like that to happen rarely if not "never" as I don't like to re-purchase the same games.

Monday, December 10, 2012

GameLight - Dark Souls 2

Official Site:
Source: Youtube Channel NamcoBandaiGames

So the Videogame Awards Show ended up being boring anyways.  It was great seeing talents and studios being recognized for their hard work and efforts and to see some new footages of games we already know are in the making, but there were a lot of non-gaming material in-between and lots of commercials.  The most exciting and unheard announcement is the reveal of Dark Souls 2.  It was hinted right before the trailer was shown and I was thinking it might be another "Souls" game with a new name such as "Divinity Souls" or "Dragon Souls".  To my surprise it was Dark Souls 2, an actual sequel this time!  I've had Dark Souls since last year, but I have not put the time and effort into completing it yet because of all the games I've accumulated throughout the years.  Despite not completing Dark Souls, I'm very happy to hear about a sequel in the making.  Not much is known about the game yet, so any new game mechanics and such is not known at the moment.

Friday, December 7, 2012

VGCulture - The 10th VGA on Spike tonight

Official Site:
Source: Youtube Channel GangsterBosnian

The Video Game Awards reaches its 10th anniversary tonight on Spike 9PM ET / 6PM PT as it counts down the best of the best of this year's games while revealing trailers to next year's games.  From what I've heard over the years, these award shows are pretty bad and generally have a lot of non-gaming related things talked about or shown throughout the duration.  Still, I'm going to give it a shot like many others and see what they'll have in store for us this year.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

GameLight Review - Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Official Site:
Source: Youtube Channel Acrofan

Developer: Capcom, Eighting
Publisher: Capcom
Platforms: [Playstation 3], Xbox 360 / PS Vita
Release Date: November 15, 2011 / February 15, 2012
Genre: Fighting

+ A massive roster of 48 characters + 2 DLC characters
+ 12 new characters from the original MvC 3
+ Heroes and Heralds mode changes up the game a bit
+ Heroes and Heralds mode has over 100 cards to collect to use in battle
+ Character balances have been made
+ You can play Galactus in one of the modes
+ It's better released as a standalone rather than a bunch of DLCs

- No new levels, only new characters
- No new endings like Super Street Fighter IV had for Street Fighter IV
- Was released in the same year as the original
- The 2 DLC characters are still locked and must be bought
- Doesn't carry anything over from the original game

Recommended: Absolutely, this is what Marvel vs. Capcom 3 should've been like when it first launched.

I was disgusted when I heard that "Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3" was coming out when I had bought the original just a few months prior to its announcement.  What eventually won me over was the announcement of Phoenix Wright being added to the roster.  Some character balances were made to the game, but other than the 12 extra characters and new mode, there isn't anything else added that makes it that different from the original.  Putting that aside, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is the definitive version of the game and offers much to the casual and hardcore fighting game fan.  The free DLC Heroes and Heralds mode allows both single-player and online multiplayer options for a unique take on the game where cards can be collected and give different advantages to the player.  The game is very fast-paced and incredibly enjoyable with all sorts of team compositions the player can put together.  There might not be as much single-player content as other fighting games, but there is much to offer when playing against a friend.


Art Style: 3D graphics played like a 2D fighter
+ Despite being 3D, animations are still fast and fluid
+ Great conversion from 2D to 3D on a lot of the new characters
+ The animations and effects relative to the cards in HaH are really cool
+ Still easy to distinguish things on screen despite things flying everywhere
+ A clean, sleek, and comprehensible user-interface
+ Music for the new characters are great
Aesthetics: 10/10

Controller: PS3 controller or Fightstick
+ The new characters still have the basic moves so it's easy to pick up
+ Some characters play and control style is very different offering variety
+ Controls are tight, fast, and responsive
+ If played using a PS Vita, shortcuts can be used
+ Much like other 2D fighting games, there's a challenge mode to teach combos
Buttons: 10/10

Concept & Content
Core Concept: Reduce the life bar down to zero on all 3 opponents each match
+ Arcade mode has new endings for the new characters
+ 12 additional characters have been added to the roster totaling 48 characters
+ Heroes and Heralds mode was added
+ Certain characters offer a very different play style from most
+ In addition to team combinations, HaH mode offers different ability combos too

- No new levels corresponding to the new character
- Original characters have no new endings
- The 2 DLC characters are still locked and must be paid as DLCs
- Information from the original game doesn't carry over
Concept and Content: 6/10

+ The 12 new characters offers new endings in Arcade mode
+ There will always be 7 stages in Arcade mode, not too short or long
+ Heroes and Heralds mode is the best single-player option for the game right now
+ Replay value mostly relies on Offline/Online versus mode, but has a lot to offer

- You can't move anything when the game is saving or loading
- Lots of saving and loading in-between menus, especially in HaH mode
- Other than HaH, Arcade, and Challenge, there isn't much to offer for solo play
Duration: 6/10

+ I was really happy with the new characters, especially Phoenix Wright
+ Heroes and Heralds is a fun concept with replay value
+ The 12 additional character definitely offers more variety in team composition
+ I like the new and arranged songs for the new characters

- I'm still not very happy about spending $100 all on the same year for the game
- Nothing carried over from what I did in the original in terms of save files
Fun: 7/10

There is no doubt that Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 is a fun game and a solid fighter, but as an expansion it did a lot to hurt those who bought the original earlier in the year.  Had I known (and for many others) that an  Ultimate version was going to come out, I wouldn't have bought the original at all and waited just a little longer.  Because of this incident, it has prevented many fans of Capcom to with hold their decision to get Street Fighter x Tekken in anticipation for a more definitive version as Capcom had announced prior to its release that there were still 10 characters on its way.  For those who didn't buy the original MvC3, UMvC3 is a great fighter to play with friends over or to play against others online.  It doesn't offer that much in terms of solo play, but versus can be a lot of fun with other people because of the many combinations that can be created.  In the end, I would definitely still recommend this game to any fighting game fan.  Overall: 7.8/10

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

GameLight Review - BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend

Official Site:
Source: Youtube Channel jourdal

Developer: Arc System Works
Publisher: Aksys Games
Platforms: [Playstation 3], Xbox 360
Release Date: February 14, 2012
Genre: Fighting

+ Lots of unlockable content
+ Rebalanced characters and difficulty
+ "Almost" everything great about the series so far put together in one
+ Extra stories that delves deeper into the lore of BlazBlue
+ The addition of Relius Clover
+ Another mode added for those who like playing single-player
+ Optimized online gameplay
+ The in-game money and level system is great for single-player play
+ Abyss mode adds some light RPG elements great for single-player play

- An expensive DLC for those who own the original and 3 of the DLC characters
- Legion mode is not present in this "supposed" definitive version of BlazBlue
- A lot of the English voice actors have been swapped out
- Public online community is pretty dead
- Honestly, it's only one extra characters
- Odd typos and weird dialogue problems in conversations

   *Yes: If you've never bought any of the BlazBlue or you're a big fan
   *No: If you've bought Continuum Shift with the 3 DLC characters

I was hesitant about purchasing Extend as it was mainly 4 new characters for me for $40 (it was 1 new character for those who paid for the 3 DLC characters before Extend released).  But I got a really good sale discount, there were new modes, new story lines, new characters, and I really liked BlazBlue.  I liked the addition of Abyss mode, which was ported from the handheld editions, and the currency/level system as it gave me an incentive to keep playing to unlock more content much like Calamity Trigger was like.  I had never played the 3 DLC characters before, so it pleases me that all 3 turned out to be really fun to play.  The exclusive Relius Clover for the Extend edition is okay, but I can understand why a lot of people who bought Continnum Shift and all the DLCs didn't want to buy an entire expansion just for him.  The additional story arcs were great and quite moving on some of them.  What I really didn't like that made me upset was that some of the voice actors were different.  The main problem is that they're mixed in with the original voice actors so some attacks just sound so odd when it's a totally different voice.  It was also saddening to hear it in Story mode as it no longer captures the essence and being of that character anymore as well as being inconsistent.  There was also some very odd typos where words are misspelled, words didn't match what the voice was saying, and weird dialogue changes in the middle of a conversation where some characters suddenly have the Japanese voice actors speak and then go right back into English voices.  This expansion seems rather rushed and unpolished in terms of content quality, but the core gameplay is still very solid and a lot of fun.

Art Style: 2D Hand-drawn sprites with multi-layer hand-drawn backgrounds
+ Slight changes to UI, certain animations, and graphics to make it smoother
+ New content in gallery and new CGs for story
+ As usual, the music is incredible and new songs have been added
+ Additional levels have been added

- Typos in texts and voice overs not matching to texts or fluctuates to Japanese
- Changes to English voice actors is disappointing and jarring in-game
Aesthetics: 7/10

Controller: PS3 controller or Fightstick
+ Nothing has really changed for the controls.  Still easy to navigate the menus, character moves and skills are still solid and response time is very tight.
Buttons: 10/10

Concept & Content
Core Concept: Classic 2D Fighter
+ The new story arcs are pretty well written and has the same great quality
+ New modes like Unlimited Mars and Abyss Mode are great additions for solo
+ The 3 DLC characters with Relius Clover is added to the roster
+ Currency and Leveling system adds more replay value and incentive to the game
+ A LOT of unlockable content such as pictures, unlimited characters, and voices
+ Online play is optimized and runs much smoother

- Legion Mode was taken out
- For competitive players, not much new was added
Concept and Content: 9/10

+ Replay value for solo play has been "extended" significantly
+ More stories means longer play time
+ Lots of content to unlock so there's incentive to play more
+ Abyss Mode has 4 tiers and has light RPG elements for more "depth"
Duration: 9/10

+ I like the currency/leveling system a lot, that progression for solo play is great
+ I really like the RPG elements within Abyss mode
+ The additional 4 characters are really fun and unique
+ Relius Clover has the coolest and most intricate Astral Heat
+ The stories for the new characters and side stories were rather moving

-The lack of polish in texts, voice actor changes, erratic language voice overs was a disappointment and I hope this doesn't happen in Chrono Phantasma
Fun: 9/10

Despite the lack of polish in bringing it over to the Western Market and disappointments with voice actor changes, the sheer amount of solo play content that was added more than makes up for it (but still makes me sad).  BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend is the definitive version of the series thus far with all the characters up to date, all the stories including Calamity Trigger, and all the different modes excluding Legion mode.  The expansion is quite an expensive payment for those just wanting Relius Clover in their roster, but a worthwhile one if more single-player content is what they seek.  For those who really like the series other than just solely on the competitive scene or those who have never even bought the game, BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend is a great buy for any gamer remotely interested in the 2D Fighter genre.  Overall: 8.8/10

Monday, December 3, 2012

NewNews - Steam Big Picture Mode

Official Site:
Source: Youtube Channel Valve

A while ago, Valve had announced that they were working on something to allow gamers to play steam from their living room.  My first response to that was "are they really spending time and money for a console much like the Ouya just to get the audience for those who play games in front of the TV to use their services?"  Thankfully, it's not a console at all but a mode that the Steam program can go into to fully function using only a controller without the need of a keyboard and mouse so that it functions much like a gaming console like the Playstation 3, Xbox 360 or Wii's menu system.  So if a player has a laptop or desktop they can plug into their TV with an HDMI cable and a wireless controller or with a long wire, then they can play Steam games right from their couch on their TV and navigate through the menus using only a controller.  In this fashion, steam account user can still have their friends list opened, still buy games for cheap on steam, still access mods and user-created content, surf the internet, watch movies and such just using a controller played on your own TV.  To have this convenience for free is a great option for those who might want to play some of their games or watch movies on a larger screen without having to bring a keyboard and mouse to the living room or wherever there's a big-screen TV.  I imagine that it's still possible to use "Big Picture" just on your own computer if you're just used to using controllers more.

Also, there are quite a few games on sale on Steam right now that are entirely controller friendly so that there isn't need for a keyboard and mouse to start up and play those games when using "Big Picture" mode.