Tuesday, December 18, 2012

GameLight - Street Fighter x Mega Man

Official Site: http://capcom-unity.com/mega_man Source: Youtube Channel CapcomUnityVideos

So it's Mega Man's 25th Anniversary and Capcom didn't have anything planned; however, they still had something available for the faithful fans of Mega Man.  A fan made game called Street Fighter x Megaman was in the making by an individual along with a music composer who re-created familiar Street Fighter themes into 8-bit goodness and caught the attention of Capcom.  This led to an official publication of the game with Capcom backing up the developer in pushing out the game to the masses.  For us Mega Man fans and gamers, we get a free download of the completed game as a celebration of 25 years of the blue bomber.  From what I heard, there isn't a save function, so be sure to free up some time before attempting to take on this game.  Happy 25th year anniversary Mega Man, we hope to still see great games come out in your name.

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