Wednesday, August 15, 2012

GameLight - TF2 Mann vs. Machine

Official Site:
Source: Youtube Channel gameinformer

Team Fortress 2 is a free-to-play, team-based, first-person shooter where two teams are pitted against each other to capture flags, points, defeat each other, or pushing carts.  But something new is about to be implemented that will change the game up a bit.

This was a bit unexpected when I heard about it yesterday, but it seems that Valve has been in the works on a true cooperative mode for Team Fortress 2 using some tower defense elements and upgrading systems.  Mann vs. Machine will be a new mode in which 5-players are pitted against waves of robots with all sorts of abilities and arsenal.  As far as I understand, the goal is to protect the main core much like a regular tower-defense game.  Players will take the role of one of the 9 classes in the Team Fortress 2 game to fight, support, and defend against the numerous enemies.  In-between waves, players can purchase upgrades kind of like in "Killing Floor" by using the currency picked up by the defeated robots to get abilities like 5 second invincibility, extra ammo, or a critical hit boost.  All classes will also have modified weapons to fight against these robots such as the ability to pierce through multiple enemies with their gunfire or having an even higher boost from buffs.  This free additional patch to the game will launch tonight at 8PM PST August 15th from what I heard, but I'm not 100% sure.  Cheers to Valve for always updating their multiplayer games and keeping them fresh!

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