Monday, August 13, 2012

VGCulture - Testing ASUS G75VW

Official Site:

Right before the weekend, I posted about ASUS' new G series laptops specifically made for gaming.  I finally got the chance to try out my new ASUS G75VW and it was glorious!  I was able to play everything on the highest settings possible at a resolution of 1920 x 1080.  I had trouble seeing certain enemies and effects in Diablo 3, so it's beautiful to see everything clearly with full screen.  Games I couldn't play without graphics lag were now flawless such as Alpha Protocol.  Games that glitched out and froze the game ran as smooth as ever with games like Red Faction Guerrilla.  The only game that strained a bit was Nexuiz in which I had to turn off Direct X 11 as it made aiming a little tough.  To be able to play even the most current games at the highest settings made me really happy as I've been playing with lower end computers for the longest time.  This has changed my experience with PC games tremendously.

If anyone is looking for a gaming laptop, I would say this ASUS is a pretty good deal.  Running on a Intel i7 Quad-core processor at 2.3 Ghz, boasting 16 GB of RAM, installed with an nVidia GTX 660m graphics card, with a native resolution of 1920 x 1080, a lit-up keyboard for night-time LAN parties, and 4 USB ports for all the peripherals needed.  The only thing that wasn't that great is the on-board speakers and microphone.  That wasn't too big of an issue for me as I generally use external speakers or headphones anyways.  I was very happy with my purchase.

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