Friday, August 31, 2012

VGCulture - GW2, TL2, and MOBA Tourneys, oh my

Guild Wars 2:
It's been a week since I've started playing Guild Wars 2 and it has gone far beyond my expectations for the game.  I didn't see myself enjoying PvP and WvW as much as I do now.  The fluidity of the game makes the progression of PvE feel seamless.  I don't pay too much attention to levels as it's not as important.  I'm able to enjoy each aspect of the game with its spontaneity.  I'm not sure how long the replay value will last, but so far it's pretty good.

Torchlight 2:
Source: Youtube Channel TotalHalibut

Runic games finally stated a release date for Torchlight 2.  On September 20th, players will be able to download it from their choice of distributor.  To be honest, it would've been better if they had came out last year or early this year to avoid the competition from Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2.  At least then, they'd have players willing to try their game out who aren't already Torchlight fans.  It seems some mechanics have been changed from the first one, and the addition of multiplayer and mod capabilities is a plus.  For me, I'll probably wait a while before getting it as I'm already full on my play list and don't have a reason to get it right away.

League of Legends:
DotA 2:

I haven't been keeping up with the tournament matches, but both MOBA games are holding them right now and streaming live.  Some pretty crazy stuff.  That's all for now, have a great weekend everyone!

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