Monday, August 20, 2012

VGCulture - 100 more levels in Diablo 3's new patch

Official Site:

Blizzard has announced a huge change in Diablo 3's new end-game system.  Introducing, the paragon level system.  An extra 100 levels has been added past the max level of 60 gaining players extra stat points into Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, and Vitality as well as an extra 3% in gold find and Magic find for each level.  This will extend the game's progress well beyond the initial 60 levels and give purpose to playing in inferno other than completing the difficulty, farming for items, and dying a lot.  Also, the border of your character's portrait will change and evolve as their paragon levels increase.  No exact date on when this patch will release has been announced yet.

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