Tuesday, March 27, 2012

GameLight - Gettysburg: Armored Warfare

Steam Page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/200630/

Source: Youtube Channel gameboyuk

A new game released on the Steam platform today called "Gettysburg Armored Warfare".  It's a mix of third-person shooters with real-time strategy.  Here are some fun facts about the game:
-The game is based back in the 1860's with futuristic technology (supposedly)
-The entire game was developed by one guy (Danny Green, the guy in the video)
-It's out with an initial price of $10
-A server can support up to 64 players (that's nuts when each player controls like 100 soldiers each)
-Each individual unit can be manually controlled by the player for third-person action

There are only 4 maps to play on, but they're rather large.  The game does strike a bit of interest out of me, but I still don't know enough about the game to really say if it's good or not.  Honestly, I see some problems with the game just from looking at some of the gameplay shown in the video.  Quite a few FPS/RTS or TPS/RTS games have been made in the past as online games and have worked since 1-2 players commanded the units from an RTS point of view while everyone else controlled a unit.  With the concept here, it seems that the player will have the major role of an RTS strategist while taking control over a unit seems more like a novelty than a game changing mechanic.  Wouldn't the units do a better job of auto-aiming and firing at enemies than a player trying to take over?  Then there's the realization that there's only 4 maps and 3 modes.  I believe the game is purely custom made skirmishes and online play and will lack any sense of story, campaign, or fulfilling single-player mode.  What I do have hope for in this game is that Steam Workshop customization will be available for the game sometime in spring and players will be able to play with community created mods.  If there's a strong following and creative community behind the mods for this game, I think it will create a lot of fun scenarios as a sandbox-like game for a lot of players.  Perhaps players can get a kick out of their own customized matches in the game's original settings, but that's something I'm not willing to try out just yet.  I will probably get this game when a sale hits as I am still neck deep into my backlog of games.  This game can easily be the next Garry's Mod and I think it'll be more fun than playing it vanilla.

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