Monday, March 19, 2012

GameLight - Armored Core V

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Source: Youtube Channel XboxViewTV

A lot of new games are releasing this week and next and one of them being Armored Core V.  I'm honestly not even sure if I've ever played any of the Armored Core games since I've played so many mecha-games.  Back in the late 90's, early 2000 mecha-games were huge!  And by huge I mean everyone wanted to play mecha-related games and developers kept throwing them out there (kind of how modern military shooters are now).  There were big robot games on Sega Saturn, Playstation 1, Nintendo 64, X-box, PC, Sega Dreamcast, it was everywhere!  Somewhere along the way mecha-games stopped being so popular and the ones that came out where largely ignored or loved by a niche group (as many genres of the past has).  Armored Core V's announcement was a surprise to me.  I didn't realize they still made games like these anymore, at least I didn't think they'd localize it as mecha-games have always been a popular genre in Japan.  There hasn't been a game like Armored Core V in a while as many of the other giant robot games tend to feel more like other genres (Transformers: War for Cybertron felt like a 3rd-Person Shooter and Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3 played like a hack 'n slash).  It's not bad that those games felt like other genres, but there hasn't been a true mecha-game that satisfies those who still like the traditional heavy guns with jet-packs and major collateral damage in a long time.  I think the last game I played that had a similar feel to it is Exteel, which no longer is available for play (it was a free online game).  One of the things I really hated about some of the mecha-games were how clunky the controls felt to simulate weight or how slow the gameplay went by.  Fast-paced mecha-games like Virtual-On and Zone of the Enders were some of my favorite as large armored robots were equipped with tons of weapons, glided around with incredible speed and flew around shooting dozens of missiles at their enemies.  Armored Core V seems to follow that old-school trend with tons of customizable parts, massive maps to fight on, and crazy battles with tons of enemies.  I'm so behind on a lot of games and am anticipating for even more that I don't even know if I'll ever get around to getting this  game.  Still, it seems to be one of the best looking mecha-games I've seen in a while so I may consider picking it up one day.  Armored Core releases tomorrow with special day-one packages when you pre-order at GameStop and will be available for both Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.

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