Wednesday, March 7, 2012

VGCulture - iPad 3 announcement at GDC 2012

Official Site:

Source: Youtube Channel OGBProduction

Today at Game Developers Conference 2012, Apple announced "The New iPad" as they would like to put it rather than the iPad 3.  Here is a run down of specs:

-9.7-inch 2048 x 1536 screen (iPad 2's display was 1024×768)
-A5X quad-core graphics chip
-5-megapixel rear camera
-10 hour battery life (9 hours with 4G LTE turned on)
-More memory and [a] higher screen resolution than an Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3
-Weighing in at 1.4 lbs

Prices for WiFi-only model:
  -16GB for $499
  -32GB for $599
  -64GB for $699
Prices for the WiFi & 4G-enabled editions:
  -16GB for $629.00
  -32GB for $729.00
  -64GB for $829.00

I find it sad that the "tablet" has become stronger than my own laptop (faster processor and higher resolution).  I have avoided the device for a really long time now, but I'm now considering of maybe getting the 3rd of its iteration.  This "tablet" will eventually take over laptops as its use and convenience far surpasses those of notebooks and laptops for its size, speed, and not having to turn on/off (hibernation is still slower than that of an iPad).  However, I don't see it replacing PC gaming anytime soon.  I still much prefer my computer for PC gaming and will most likely use the iPad for playing short time-passing games to wait for load times on my laptop or look up gamefaqs when I'm playing PS3 or Wii so I don't have to keep running back to my room to check.  The New iPad will be available next Wednesday March 14th and is already taking orders now.

-Gamasutra: New iPad announced with high-resolution screen, quad-core graphics chip

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