Monday, September 26, 2011

NewNews - LoL Dominion is Live (for reals this time)

Hey League of Legend fans and players, Dominion is finally out of beta and is Live (really this time)!

Source: Youtube Channel RiotGamesInc

Dominion feels like a totally different game (if you're already used to the DotA style map and haven't tried this one yet) and allows a player to try out characters with different builds and play-styles from their usual modes.  The matches are much more fast-paced and team-intensive as the main objective is to capture more points than the opposing team to knock their team life-bar down to zero to be the victor.  If you have missed a previous post on this, check out the last post on League of Legends and see what this is about.  If you haven't tried out League of Legends yet, I implore you to give it a try as it is free, easy to learn (compared to DotA and Heroes of Newerth, also good games), and a ton of fun.  You can sign up and download the game at Riot Games' League of Legends sign up page.  Have fun summoners!

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