Wednesday, September 14, 2011

NewNews - Prepare for Diablo 3

No, a release date hasn't been announced; however, the skill calculator is up and running with the most up to date skills and runes for the game!
The skill calculator allows players to plan out what sort of abilities they want to bring into battle (only 6 active skills and 3 passive skills can be equipped) and what runes to use for each of those abilities.  The link will change according to the settings of the sheet and can be shared with friends, family, and people of the web.  So far, there are 5 classes in total.   I'm hoping for more in the future as Diablo 2 had a good selection (granted that it was an expansion), but 5 will do at the moment with 2 that I really want to play.  So if you're eager to find out what sort of build you want to make for your Barbarian, Monk, or which ever character you desire, go experiment right now:

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