Monday, September 12, 2011

GameLight - Crysis (Remastered)

Recently, there was an announcement on Crysis being re-released for digital downloads on Xbox 360's XBLA and Playstation 3's PSN services as a remastered version of 2007's highly acclaimed first-person shooter that was exclusively for PC.  It's be redone and reworked on the CryEngine 3 so everything looks even nicer than it did when it first came out.

Source: Youtube Channel the4nshadow

I'm currently playing Crysis (The original) right now since I didn't have the time to play it before.  It's quite a surprising First-Person Shooter for me since I've been playing so many Tactical-Warfare type FPS games such as Call of Duty, Medal of Honor, and Battlefield.  For one thing, the levels of each mission is very open-ended and large.  A player has a number of approaches to reaching their objectives.  The suits that the characters wear in the game allows them to switch between different aspects that enhances their power, speed, armor, and such.  While utilizing all the settings, a player can set themselves in several ways to engage a group of enemies such as rushing in, cause them to funnel through, take them out silently one by one, etc.  The levels don't feel as linear, even though there's a clear path of where the player is supposed to go.  The graphics are amazing and has dramatically improved over the years as they've switched over to new technology that is currently used by more and more developers (up to CryEngine 3 at the moment).  The game is quite challenging as enemy AI are varied and will try different methods of killing the player.  I probably won't be getting the remastered version as I'll be satisfied with finishing the original and then move onto playing Crysis 2.  The remastered version of Crysis is set to release on PSN and XBLA sometime in October 2011.  If you haven't played it yet and like FPS games, I recommend not missing out on the experience that brought many great FPS aspects into one cohesive game.

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