Thursday, September 22, 2011

GameLight - LoL Dominion is Live!

Official Site:

Source: Youtube Channel RiotGamesInc

League of Legends is a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) based game inspired and developed by the creators of the ever popular Warcraft 3 custom campaign "Defense of the Ancients" (DotA).  Riot Games have been working hard to deliver the best MOBA experience to the world by releasing their game as a Free-To-Play game with Pay2play quality.  New characters are added every month, the game is constantly being improved, and the game always seem to bring something fresh.  Just today, Riot Games released Dominion officially after a very very short beta of only one day (yesterday) and is allowing the general public to play the new map and mode.  Traditionally in MOBA games, a team of 5 players on each side fights against each other to push their army of minions into the enemy's base to destroy the main point.  It's like an Action-RPG mixed with an RTS style Tower Defense map between two teams.  In Dominion, the goal is to capture more points (5 in all) than the enemies to lower their team's health bar.  It's much more fast-paced and is nearly always player vs. player.  Think Company of Heroes or Call of Duty's Domination mode where players capture a point and gradually decreases the enemy's points until it reaches zero.  A lot of new items have been added, new rules are put into play, and characters that might have been useful in the regular mode might not necessarily be useful in Domination.  I play a lot of tanks and captured a lot of points (or defended one) because of my ability to take more hits.  Having one less player can really harm a team (which has happened when players get disconnected).  Since it just came out today, I noticed that the mode isn't 100% bug free yet.  Lag was persistent, character skills might glitch, and some of the map items seem to have some hit-box issues.  The mode isn't perfect yet, but it's incredibly fun.  To be able to fight so many players consistently and finish in 15-20 minutes is a mode competitive players will love.  If you still haven't tried out League of Legends yet, you gotta check it out (It's free!!!).

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