Thursday, September 1, 2011

VGCulture - Art - Mass Effect M8 Avenger Assault Rifle

This guy got props:
What I mean is, this graphics designer from Atlanta has amazing skill in creating replica models of props from movies and games.  He's created things from Portal, Claymore (I think it's a manga/animé), and Mass Effect with the lights and gleam of the actual items from the game/shows/movies.  On his blog, it shows step by step on how he created the assault rifle and what materials were used.  This particular one in the picture above was created mostly of what he already had from other props he created and took a total of only $28 to complete.  The rights to creating a Mass Effect movie has already been sold.  So if they ever plan on making the movie for it, they really should look for someone with his expertise to create the props.

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