Thursday, July 18, 2013

GameLight - Deadly Premonition on PC

Official Site:
Source: Youtube Channel Goufunaki

I've never heard of the game until just a few months ago when a friend was referencing the game and talked about the whistle theme and the awkward sandwich scene (shown above).  It was apparently a cult hit on the Xbox 360 when it released back in 2010 that deemed it worthy of a re-release on the PS3 as a director's cut earlier this year.  Deadly Premonition is an open-world, Psychological- Horror survival game that has its awkward moments like the one above that makes it a bit funny from time to time.  I've heard that the game is so bad that it's good, and that's all I really know about it.  The fact that it might have a chance on Steam means a possibility for a very cheap sale on it.  If that's the case, I'd definitely give the game a chance.  I've really gotten into horror games in the past few years.  What I hate about horror "movies" is that character's in them make poor decisions.  The biggest difference between a horror "movie" and horror "game" is that I had control over the decisions and can fight back in the game and still have the same scare.  I'm trying to search for horror games that are fun and engaging that can still be scary.  Perhaps Deadly Premonition has some of that with quirky scenes, memorable moments, and freaky enemy designs.  There has to be a reason why there's a handful of gamers that enjoyed this game, right?  If you're as interested as I am in trying the game out on PC, log into your Steam account and upvote it on Steam Greenlight so we can get it up on Steam ASAP so we can get a sale by the time Winter Steam Sales rolls in.

-Kotaku - Deadly Premonition on Steam Could Happen, With A Little Help

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