Thursday, July 25, 2013

GameLight - Divekick

Official Site:
Source: Youtube Channel gamespot

Mentioned two weeks ago, Divekick was played at EVO 2013 this year and has been greenlit on Steam to be released soon.  Divekick is a crazy, two-button, 2D-Fighter where players try to Divekick their opponent to win the round.  The game looks ridiculous and I think that's part of the charm to why it's talked about so much.  There's a lot of jumping and dive kicking and it seems kind of bland in that sense.  But what the developers want to capture in this game is the feeling players get in fighting games when both players are down to the last hit and desperately try to get that last hit in there.  So when it comes down to it, it's all a mind game.  Trying to lure your opponent into attacking with your own jumps and kicks while keeping safe and looking for openings and mistakes that your opponent makes is a fundamental in a lot of fighting games when trying to bait and punish, and that's all that Divekick is about.  The developers also wanted to provide a fighting game without complex mechanics that players would have to practice religiously for just to be able to compete.  So what's left is a comprehensible fighting game that any and all players are capable of playing.

I didn't think too much of the game after watching a few gameplay videos, but watching it in action at EVO and seeing how there's 14 characters with a story mode has attracted me.  Story in fighting games has always been a nice addition that I enjoy, even if it's a short cut-scene presented at the end of an arcade mode as I generally don't play competitively.  I look forward to Divekick and hope others will be able to enjoy it too.

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