Monday, July 15, 2013

VGCulture - Fighting Game Terminology

Reference Site: Wiktionary - Glossary of Fighting Games
Source: Youtube Channel IGN

This was an awesome weekend of watching EVO 2013 through Twitch TV.  One of my favorite matches was uploaded today by IGN with Justin Wong vs. Chris G on Marvel vs. Capcom 3.  There was emotion, excitement and hype, but there were also a lot of words I didn't understand.  I'm not a hardcore fighting game fan, but I do love fighting games so I'll understand typical terms like DP = Dragon Punch = Forward-down-forward punch attack or a "Combo".  But when I started words like "vortex" or "punish", I wasn't sure what they meant exactly though I had an idea.  Luckily for me, there is a whole page worth of terms used often in fighting games that's linked above.  You don't have to understand all the terminology or know all the advanced techniques of a fighting game to enjoy watching pros go at it, but it does give you a deeper sense of appreciation for every little thing that happens within a match.  Although, watching pros play and not knowing a lot of the advanced techniques makes it that much more amazing and exciting to watch.  I remember the first time I started learning about how pros played Super Smash Bros. Melee and realized the plethora of strategies and abilities that characters could utilize in the game.  It was like opening a whole new part of the game up for me to see and understand.  I'm not a hardcore fighting game fan or player and I don't plan to become pro, but I think learning something as simple as the terminology used in commentary and analyzing a match in a fighting game would help me appreciate the game, the players, and the community that much more.  If you didn't watch EVO through the streams this weekend and you're a fighting game fan, look up some of the matches online because they were really good this year.  For non-fighting game fans, look up matches for Super Smash Bros. Melee or Marvel vs. Capcom 3 as those are most flashiest and mesmerizing games to watch.

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