Wednesday, July 17, 2013

GameLight - Time and Eternity

Official Site:
Source: Youtube Channel IGN

Toki to Towa, what happened?  The hand drawn, animé-style RPG doesn't seem to please the masses as the game launched yesterday.  I didn't look too much into the game as I don't want anything spoiled when I finally decide to try the game out myself.  From what I've seen though, the gameplay mechanics don't really extend as far as its basic ideas of dodging and attacking.  I liked the idea of a more action-orientated turn-based RPG much like the system Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars used back in the Super Nintendo Days.  One of the problems I see right away is that you only play as Toki and Towa; you play as two characters throughout the entire game.  For JRPGs, a lot of the stories told are through character development and relationships between one another.  So could this perhaps be the problem: lack of depth in combat, story, and gameplay?  It's true that the combat doesn't seem to offer much in terms of variation and selection.  I was hoping that each character had a plethora of skills to learn seeing how it's only two playable characters in the entire game.  And I was hoping that it would have a fun, humorous, light-hearted story to go along with it.  I can't be sure of any of this unless I watch more gameplay videos, and there's a surprising amount uploaded already.  I'll eventually give this game a try as it doesn't seem worth it to get at $50 right now.

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